Tag Archives: Global Happenings

Global Happenings: Videogum’s Lindsay Robertson Laid Off

This is beyond the worst.

videogum laid off

Article here.

For those of you not familiar with Videogum, it is by far the best website (blog format) on the internet for keeping up with internet trends and cultural happenings for a targeted audience of hipsters, comedy nerds, and humor seekers.

Since it’s creation, two authors have taken up all the work on posts, Gabe and Lindsay, and have provided their fairly large but niche audience with a website they could embrace and call their own.

Lindsay will be sorely missed.

Eagle Tears Are the Worst Kind of Tears

Eagle Tears Are the Worst Kind of Tears

So that was depressing.


Lindsay will now be returning to her old blog http://lindsayism.com/. So, fortunately, she is not gone forever.

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Filed under Global Happenings